About Us
Why did we create the Central App?
The average residency applicant spends nearly $2000 on residency fees each year. This amounts to over $100 million in application fees from medical students annually.
Our primary focus is creating equity in residency selection by eliminating financial barriers and promoting holistic review.
CentralApp was created for the learners, who have shouldered the financial burden of UME to GME transition. It was also designed to improve the review process, by focusing on quality over quantity application content -- designed for individual programs and specialties

Quality over Quantity
App Is Designed To Focus On Meaningful Content

Quality over Quantity
App Is Designed To Focus On Meaningful Content
Our output was carefully crafted to be easy-to-read.
Shortening the output to 4-5 pages cutting review time by 80%.
Developed by program directors and chairs who have reviewed thousands of applications.
Completely customizable content by specialty.
Applicant Cost Reduction
CentralApp cut application costs by 95% in plastic surgery this year
Progressive fee structures do not limit over-application -- as evidenced by increasing numbers of applications across specialties. Meanwhile, progressive fee structures create financial barriers that are fundamentally inequitable.

Demonstrated User Preference In Published Literature
Our focus
Delivering Features That Enhance Holistic Review
why choose us
Why You Should Choose The Residency Central Application?
As leaders in medical education ourselves, we have unique experience in understanding what tools are needed, and we are invested in developing them with integrity.